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Why Choose Clear Aligner Trays?

As the tide of our modern world is ever advancing, we like to keep right up with it! It certainly casts a smile across many faces to know that the modern dental world has left behind the era of Orthodontic headgear. In fact, you have probably interacted with someone recently who is straightening their teeth without your even noticing it! Yes, people are getting great smiles by means of an almost invisible smile straightening care system known as clear aligners. Find the answer to “Why Choose Clear Aligner Trays?”

Three Benefits You Want in Your Life

Those who are informed, always make the better decisions. With this in mind, aid your search for finding the best way to a great smile by getting the scoop on clear aligners. Keep in mind that while this treatment is a great option, it isn’t the perfect fit for everyone, such as someone with perhaps a severe over or underbite. The following benefits may just convince you to research it further! The following link to WebMD, can also give you some helpful information!

1. It is so much easier to keep teeth clean– say farewell to wires and brackets! Since aligners are removable, your tooth brush and floss are not inhibited as they can be with braces. As a result, your pearly whites are way easier to keep healthy!

2. Nearly invisible– perhaps the future will bring teeth straightening to a whole new level with something like solar power, but for now these aligner trays are pretty amazing! You can thank the clear, smooth material they are made from, and the personalized fit these trays provide for being almost unnoticeable! Smile with confidence as you see your teeth straightening tray after tray.

3. Maintenance is just as invisible! Some end up having crooked teeth after braces because they do not like how their metal retainer looks. After all those years of braces, they want to show off their hard earned smile- metal free! On the other hand, after your teeth are invisibly straightened with clear aligners, they can also be invisibly maintained with a clear retainer.

It’s “Clear” We Can Help You!

Did you find some helpful answers to the question “Why Choose Clear Aligner Trays?” Oceanside Dental is a proud provider of clear trays for the public. Come on in for a free consultation!