(760) 466-0776 info@oceansidedent.com

March is a Special Month!

March is a Special Month! Dentists love the month of March. Why? March is a special month for these professionals because it contains a special day- March 6th.  This day has been set aside as National Dentist’s Day! Read on to gain some more appreciation for your...

Cleaning Your Clear Aligners

Cleaning Your Clear Aligners Clear aligners are becoming more and more popular. However, the beautiful, clear look of these appliances can fade and the teeth can suffer if proper care is not taken. Learn about some common complaints and how cleaning your clear...

Dental Friendly Travel Tips

Dental Friendly Travel Tips 2020 is here! Where are your travel plans taking you this year? It is exciting to take a vacation but we don’t want you to take a vacation from dental care! Keep up your healthy smile by implementing these dental friendly travel tips!...

2020 is Around the Corner!

2020 is Around the Corner! 2020 is around the corner! Does this bring anything to mind? Maybe the thought that it’s new decade? An opportunity to grow? Time to make changes? These are definitely some thoughts on people’s minds right now. But how about oral...